Site Developed by George L. Morris

Star Spangled Banner


This is a must listen. I would say that very few these days know the story behind the national anthem. This needs to be taught in every school grade in …

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Remembering 9/11

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Impeach or Not


In the past several months I’ve watch the proceedings about the president being impeached. On Facebook I’ve also noticed the back and forth about voting for one party or another. A real political divide.

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Time-line of Gun Control


With all the shootings lately, gun control seems to be a hot topic. In looking at whether you are for or against guns, a brief history is needed to see where we have come from. The information in this blog was taken from the web site;

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Star Spangled Banner


This is a must listen. I would say that very few these days know the story behind the national anthem. This needs to be taught in every school grade in every school. Churches need to pass this on to it’s members and be thankful that God is still for America.

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Merle Haggard


Fighting Side of Me.

Somewhat goes along with what President Trump said. Might could have been said a little differently but the same message!

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Appreciate America


I agree with what President Trump said:
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of AMERICA, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks
Separately, TRUMP angered some American Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques.

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4th Celebration


Happy 4th of July! We celebrate the independence from England on this day giving us the freedoms that we have. I don’t know that we have ever seen a time such as this that so many want to do away with the past and forget the history that this country was built upon.

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Site Developed by George L. Morris