Site Developed by George L. Morris


In order to provide a responsible and accurate blog, much time and research has been entered into. Each blog post will be researched and will provide at least two collaborating resources. The intent is not to attack anyone personally but to bring forth their beliefs and stance on the given topic.

Another goal of this blog is to create an atmosphere for each guest to perform their own research and to draw their own conclusion. Education on a given topic is of utmost importance therefore finding reliable resources will provide that education. Please share what you have learned so that others will be able to continue the cycle of learning.

Having an open mind while researching will dismiss any prejudice on any given topic. We may not agree with what we find, the goal of it all is to find truth.

While these posts will be deeply religious and political, the information presented will be to promote convictions that are rooted in the Bible. Whether political or religious, truth must always prevail. More will be posted on the 2024 election as next year approaches.

Daily Bible ReadingĀ  and S.O.A.P

Any amount is appreciated. It will help with research and keeping information on this site up to date. Thank-you!


Site Developed by George L. Morris