Site Developed by George L. Morris

Branches of Gov

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There are three branches of US government:

Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)

Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

I’m amazed that this concept is no longer accepted or embraced. With executive power, the ruling of the highest court in our country is overturned or the attempt is there.

It is 4 months before we can answer these questions:

The age old question, are you better off now than you were 18 months age?

If you got a raise, was it washed away with the increase in inflation?

Will you be able to afford food, if it is available?

Will the gov dictate to the general public what energy sources you can use including purchasing EV?

Will there be an investigation of laptop secrets?

Many more questions that need to be answered, maybe you have one…

For once I agree with o-Biden, (and I will whisper it) vote, vote, vote!

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